lunar phases

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Killer dino 'turned vegetarian'

"A "mass graveyard" of bird-like dinosaurs has been uncovered in Utah, US, Nature magazine reports this week.
Scientists believe the previously unknown species was in the process of converting to vegetarianism from a rather more bloodthirsty diet.
Falcarius utahensis seems to represent an intermediate stage between a carnivorous and herbivorous form.
The creature, which lived in the Early Cretaceous Period, provides a "missing link" in dinosaur evolution.
"Falcarius represents evolution caught in the act, a primitive form that shares much in common with its carnivorous kin, while possessing a variety of features demonstrating that it had embarked on the path toward more advanced plant-eating forms," said co-author Scott Sampson of the Utah Museum of Natural History."

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