BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Nuclear fusion 'put to the test'
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Nuclear fusion 'put to the test': "It is three years since Professor Rusi Taleyarkhan made the controversial claim that he had achieved one of the holy grails of science - nuclear fusion.
Since then, he has grown tired of the scepticism of his fellow scientists. 'My lab has been audited, my instruments have been audited, my books have been audited, the data speaks for itself. 'The data has to speak for itself - I mean how can I answer that I know absolutely 100% sure that it is what I think it is? I just have to look at the data and the data have been looked at very carefully. 'In the history of publication I probably will not be able to find one that has gone through this level of scrutiny - if you do, let me know,' he said." |
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