Michael Crichton, Novelist, Becomes Senate Witness - New York Times: "WASHINGTON, Sept. 28 - His last book, 'State of Fear,' was published more than nine months ago, but the reviews were still pouring in on Wednesday, even as Michael Crichton folded his 6-foot-9-inch frame into a seat to testify before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.
'More silly than scary,' the flier dropped off by the Natural Resources Defense Council said. 'Notable mainly for its nuttiness,' an analysis from the Brookings Institution said. 'Does not reflect scientific fact,' the Union of Concerned Scientists said. For all his previous works as a writer (13 novels, 4 nonfiction books, numerous screenplays) and his prominent career in Hollywood as a writer, producer or director of 13 films and as the creator of the popular television series 'ER,' little has yanked Mr. Crichton so deeply into political controversy as 'State of Fear,' an environmental thriller that casts doubt on the widely held notion that human activities contribute to global warming. It has become a hugely divisive policy issue in recent years, gaining a new urgency, perhaps, by the recent hurricanes that slammed into the Gulf Coast. Many prominent scientists, no friends of Mr. Crichton, to be sure, believe that man-made greenhouse gases are causing the earth to warm and are urging lawmakers to pass new regulations that govern carbon dioxide emissions. But after considerable study of his own, leading to 'State of Fear,' Mr. Crichton has concluded that the science is mixed at best, and that lawmakers should take that into consideration when they decide what they might do about it." |